Monday, June 30, 2014


Well we are getting down to the wire with the first groups stay rapidly approaching.  The first group of students will arrive in the Cleveland area on July 11th.  I have been able to place all the students but the last 4 boys.  They are just looking for a lovely family to host them in the Cleveland area homes for 20 days. These students are highly educated and well traveled students who travel with a group sponsored through their parents business company such as IBM and Air France.  This program has been traveling to the Cleveland area for the last 30 years and I have been personally hosting for 15 of them.  For the first time I am realizing that if the Clevelanders don't open their hearts and homes to these students they will be missing out on a great opportunity.  I hope to hear from local families that are willing to help find homes for these students with open arms.  They come fully insured and with their own spending money and you are just responsible for giving them a bed and meals.  They will travel twice with their group to local attractions like Cedar Point and downtown. These kids aren't expecting to be going 24/7 and doing different things every minute of the day. Keep in mind that these are regular teenagers just like our American teenagers. They enjoy bonfires, movies, hiking, biking, and of course the lake! Many of these kids don't see water often because they usually live in the city or an area with no water close to them, so when they do arrive they are just mesmerized by the simple pleasures of the lake i.e. (boating, swimming, tubing, knee-boarding) These kids come here looking for a good summer that they will always remember and from my past experiences it's the little things that make the memories.

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